Aafia cause gets warm support in South Africa
Karachi, June 25: Like other parts of the world political leadership and civil society of South Africa are taking keen interest in the human rights issue of Pakistani mother Dr Aafia Siddiqui and the just demand for her release has
South Africa rights bodies, civil society support Aafia cause
Karachi, June 18: Civil society as well as human rights campaigners of South Africa have supported the cause of global mothers’ rights icon, Dr Aafia Siddiqui, and demanded her immediate release. As per details, Aafia Pakistan Movement leader Dr Aafia Siddiqui,
Press Release – Free Aafia Campaign Picket Action
SOUTH AFRICANS FLOCK ON AAFIA DAY TO US CONSULATE South Africans flocked to the United States Consulate situated in the heart of the country’s premier business district, and home of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and other large corporate to join hands
Demonstration-&-Picketing-at US Consul johannesburg South Africa
Demonstration-&-Picketing-at US Consul General Standton ,johannesburg South Africa.free Aafia Compaign .
Join the Free Aafia Peace Rally
March 30, 2012 marks the 9th anniversary of the kidnap and rendition of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui and her three young children from Pakistan in 2003. The youngest child, Suleman (6months old at the time) still remains missing.