A Message of Support for Aafia from Imam Abdullah Faaruuq
Another Message of Solidarity with Aafia The author of what follows is a Boston area leader who knew Aafia Siddiqui - as an undergraduate student, graduate student, young wife and mother, and now as an unjustly held prisoner of war. He
A Message of Support for Aafia from Imam Muhammad al-Asi
Another Message of Solidarity with Aafia For the past several and very long years my brother Mauri Saalakhan has been carrying the burden that should be carried by the rest of the Muslims and people for justice. This issue of incarcerating
An Important Message: From the United Kingdom to America For Aafia!
Assalaamu Alaikum (Greetings of Peace): Without question, Sr. Yvonne Ridley - a courageous journalist who was once held as a prisoner herself in Afghanistan, who later described her treatment by the Taliban as far more humane and respectful than the treatment meted
An Important Message: From Turkey to America For Aafia!
From Turkey to America For Aafia! It's with the utmost urgency that I call upon the American Muslim community and all people of conscience in the US and around the world to support the immediate release of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, who has suffered
Family Statement on “AAFIA BRIGADE”
Publish :23 March 2013 The Family of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui is very distraught at the disturbing news items regarding a so called Aafia Brigade. Once again, terrorists, murderers and kidnappers have chosen to hide their crimes behind the name Dr. Aafia