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We express our solidarity with Aafia and Lynn stewart and all innocent women in jail.Women Rights activists joint press conference

Women Rights activists joint press conference on the occasion of International  Women's Day. This day is dedicated to prisoners of conscience. We express our solidarity with Aafia and Lynn stewart and all innocent women in jail.
Addressing the conference Ms Shamim Kazmi who was also presiding the conference said "Dr. Aafia Siddiqui and all innocent women in prison"
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, I appeal to the citizens of all UN member of all countries to raise their voice for Dr. Aafia Siddiqui who is languishing in a USA prison since many years, for a crime she never committed a frail highly educated girls, mother of three children being victimized may be due to political ego. Please join han, reopen her case & let her come back to her parent Country Pakistan

 Shameim Kazmi  National President  Association of Business Professional & Agricultural Women (ABP&AW) Dr. Aafia's sister Dr. Fowzia burst into tears while reading  a Message from USA Carswell jail where Aafia too is locked up in solitary.    This is a cry from deep in my soul on behalf of my sisters–abused, forgotten, made marginal.  We are always aware of our place on the rungs of the ladder of oppression based on race and class and sex.
"Briefly I just want to mention –women who are not in the cruel world but suffer behind bars –cages, if you will.  Some of us are political –here because the Government has criminalized our actions or framed us –I call out to you to Remember and  Cherish  Marie Mason, a "green warrior", Afiia Siddique " a heroine in her own Pakistan for her brave resistance", and also Me–Still fighting, Still Struggling.  Still loving you all. Lynne"
(Note Lynne Stewart has cancer which has now spread to lungs still she is not allowed hospitalization. Aafia allegedly too has cancer and remains unattended.  Where is the justice in that ? )

Ms Atiya Nasir of Women Commission said all. Women should unite for womenhood and 10 years still no justice to our sister. RIPWA chair Sardar Saleem expressed full solidarity and said RIPWA stands united for the oppressed. Aafia should return home. Ms. Iqbal un Nisa of Women Aid Trust and Fehmida Jhakrani of Bazm e khawateen appealed to Asifa. And Bakhtawer to urge their father to take a bold step for the honor of Pakistan. As young women thay should feel the pain. Rana Ashfaq rasool of farzandanai Pakistan expressed full solidarity for the release of Dr. Aafia. Its 10 years too long he said.  Dr. Aafia's sister thanked all the particepants for their love and support and told the media that women around the globe have risen for this cause and tomorrow women activists in USA will be holding a PC in washington DC USA and johanesburg SA in solidarity for Aafia. They will also rally outside the Pakistani Embassy.