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FLASHBACK: Remembering Aafia Siddiqui in 2011

July 20, 2011


from Veterans Today,

by Zahir Ebrahim

Excerpts from the article appear below.

Full article here


“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.

First, Alice in Wonderland:

Justice is a delicacy best served cold, preferably in cold-blood, in full service to the Hectoring Hegemons – just ask jurist doctor Rafia Zakaria, General Secretary, Board of Directors Amnesty International USA!

You have a right to ask: if the government is so concerned with “Significant Developments in Terror Threats Since 9/11, Officials Say”, then, why must “they persist in fighting it precisely in the same way to create more of it,”?

Because: ‘War on Terror’ is not about ‘Islamofascism’ 

? Successful social engineering also requires actual defining acts of terror that can believably foster “conditions of a sudden threat or challenge to the public’s sense of domestic well-being”, and cleanly separate time into a “before” and an “after”.
? The New Pearl Harbor of 9/11 was necessary to shatter “the public’s sense of domestic well-being.” It immediately accomplished that separation of time into epochs, and instantly cemented the long running mantra of the new boogieman du jour, the “The Roots of Muslim Rage.” Bernard Lewis had planted that seed in the Council on Foreign Relations’ Foreign Affairs magazine a full decade before 9/11, self-servingly concluding: “It should now be clear that we are facing a mood and a movement far transcending the level of issues and policies and the governments that pursue them. This is no less than a clash of civilizations.”
? As Hitler too had well understood, mantras must be backed by real acts of fabricated terror in order to realize their full potential as effective PROPAGANDA which can mobilize a nation to do what they would normally not accept to do.
? And it also needs recruits, preferably young angry men and women whose “Muslim Rage” can be harvested, especially for suicide missions.
? The hectoring hegemons need that “empire’s justice” which has been juridically administered to the poor Pakistani scapegoat Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, so that it becomes more and more believable to blame future acts of fabricated terror on “radicalized Muslims”, “home grown terrorists”, “Islamofascism” et. al., in order to continue to justify the on-going baby-step construction of domestic police-state.

To anyone with even half a brain, but one which is not entirely uncongenial to reflection, it must have been rather obvious from day-one that in the light of public revelations of the egregious circumstances of Dr. Aafia’s bizarre capture and the subsequent orchestration of her show trial (instead of simply assassinating the accused if she was such a diabolical threat to mankind), any “justice” administered to Dr. Aafia Siddiqui would only be comparable to the proclamation of the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland: “off with her head”.

It must also have been apparent to those inclined to perusing statecraft rather than watching television or reading newspapers for their knowledge of current affairs, that the show trial of Aafia Siddiqui was designed primarily to serve an agenda of the state. Namely, one of calculatingly exercising the “high degree of doctrinal motivation, intellectual commitment, and patriotic gratification” deemed necessary for a “sustained exercise abroad of genuinely imperial power.” A careful reading of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s The Grand Chessboard makes the political science and the various mantras behind “imperial mobilization” abundantly clear.

Therefore, at least for these abnormal people who actually try to comprehend the forces which drive terrorism, both the pirate’s as well as the emperor’s, there is nothing surprising in the guilty verdict, nor in the conduct of the servile Pakistani rulers leading up to the verdict, and nor in the utterances of the US Ambassador to Pakistan, Ann Patterson. To have expected anything else after all the careful preparations that went into enacting this puppetshow, the show trial and its attendant media demonization of Dr. Aafia, only betrays immense naiveté of the inner-workings of empire….

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