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Aafia on World Health Day

April 7, 2011


Aafia Movement Dedicated World Health Day 2011 to Female Prisoner's Health in Pakistan

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Aafia Movement dedicated the World Health Day 2011 to call attention to the conditions of female prisoners in Pakistan. The Movement announced that it will undertake a survey of the physical and mental health of women prisoners and offer action oriented proposals for improving the conditions. Dr. Fauzia, the sister of Dr. Aafia said that preliminary analysis has revealed that the condition of women in Pakistani prisons is beyond horrible. Just some shocking shocking facts:
Over half of the women in prison have never even had their cases heard – years have passed in some instances.
The notion of mental health for female prisoners is not a practical consideration in the Pakistani system.
Hundreds of babies are born in prison and are defacto child prisoners who have never seen the light of freedom. What is their crime?
This is among the series of results oriented initiatives that the Aafia Movement continues to sponsor and sustain in a way that can have a positive impact for society. A previously successful effort involved the supply of emergency medicines in the aftermath of the devastating floods of 2010.