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Dr. Aafia's Appeal Dead on Arrival

April 3, 2011


New York,

Last week on March 30, 2011 the US 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals (The cour that will hear any appeal in Dr. Aafia's case) issued a strongly worded letter to the government appointed lawyers claiming to represent Dr. Aafia.

The attorneys had requested an extension citing lack of time and resources to prepare an appeal given their workloads.  The court denied the extension and has demanded a submission by April 15 or the appeal will be summarily dismissed. It remains to be seen what can be prepared in 10 days that could not be done in 6 months.


(NOTE: The attorneys were fired repeatedly by Aafia but were asked to stay on the case by the Judge .  Meanwhile the lawyer requested by Aafia has not even been allowed a telephone call.)