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April 2011

April 21, 2011   by Andrew Purcell "Reflections on the April 9 Mobilization for Aafia"   "Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill." Some of you will recognize this as a quote from the The Sermon on the

April 9, 2011.   The Mobilization for Dr. Aafia.   by Andrew Purcell   Outside the Carswell Prison entrance, Westworth, Texas. Not too far from Ft. Worth. The calendar said it was still spring. The thermometer said otherwise. Still, over a hundred people gathered for two hours in

April 7, 2011   Aafia Movement Dedicated World Health Day 2011 to Female Prisoner's Health in Pakistan   Aafia Movement dedicated the World Health Day 2011 to call attention to the conditions of female prisoners in Pakistan. The Movement announced that it will undertake