Aafia Featured Prominently at PTI Rally in Karachi
December 25, 2011 At a large rally held in Karachi by Pakistan Tehrik Insaaf (PTI), Aafia was featured prominently. During the speech by Javed Hashmi, when Aafia's name was invoked, there were thunderous chants of support from the gathered crowd
Aafia Interjected into Pakistani Electoral Debate
Dec. 2011 The images below represent a random selection of banners that are being interjected into the Pakistani political election build up
A Christmas Gift
by Andrew Purcell Okay. I got my Christmas gift seven weeks early. A complete surprise considering it came directly from Aafia. How did this happen? She is too dangerous for me to be allowed to visit. Certainly doesn't have a lot of opportunity
Aafia Movement Holds a Series of Events and Rallies in Baluchistan
Dec. 9, 2011 Aafia Movement has received a very positive reception in Baluchistan as rallies and events that highlight the serious situation in the area. Pakistan Today Quetta - Dr Fauzia Siddiqui, the sister of imprisoned Dr Aafia Siddiqui, on Friday condemned the
PADF Raises Issue of Pakistani Govt. Inaction on Dr Aafia
Nov 23, 2011 The Pakistan American Democratic Forum (PADF) raised the issue of Dr. Aafia's case in response to the recent "resignation" of Pakistani Ambassador to the US. Below are exerpts from the PADF statement.
Aafia Movement Calls for Action Against Child Abuse – Children's Day 2011
Nov 22, 2011 On the ocassion of the 2011 Chikldren's Day, Aafia Movement called for the guarantee of basic human rights for all children. The Aafia Movement also called for greater attention to the widespread practicies of child abuse in Pakistan
Aafia Movement Sponsors a Vigil for Japan Earthquake Victims
Oct.ober 24, 2011 The Aafia Movement sponsored a candlelight vigil for the victims of the recent destructive earthquakes in Turkey. The Movement urged supporters to channel their emotions towards aiding Flood victims in Pakistan and Earthquake victims in Turkey as these disasters
Dr. Aafia Siddiqui New Tarana Zindabad Zindabad AAFIA Hay Zindabad
New Released Tarana (song) about Dr. Aafia - "Aafia Zindabad"
Jalsa In favor of Dr. Aafia
With 2nd May and the focus of world politics, the past months took a back seat when I saw the story of three women flash before my eyes. The solution to these events is simple but slipping from our grips